Monday, October 22, 2012

The California PE Exam

Eva 3 yrs old Self Portrait
It is with a joy and peace that I re-visit this space again.  In honor of my daughter Eva's 3rd birthday I  am exhibiting her photography.

Toys - photo by Eva.

Again I studied nightly at the neighborhood coffee house, five precious minutes from home.  The place is busy so I use earplugs, order a herb tea and a macaroon and hit the books, solving math word problems for the California Professional Engineering exam.

Eva's little brother Julien - photo by Eva.

Because I live so far north, I must travel 300 miles to sit for the exam. I left my two babes in the care of their father, and drove 5 hours east to where the air temperature was still in the 90s.

Playroom - photo by Eva.
I will receive the exam results in 3 months in the mail.  A thin envelope from the California State Board means I passed.  A thick envelope means I have failed as the board includes paperwork to retake the exam.

Doll - photo by Eva.


  1. And that is what is of interest in the world of a little girl about to turn three captured in photo's. Here's to hoping you receive a very skinny package in the mail in the coming new year.

    Love ya, Mom

    1. The interest of a three year old, how clever.

  2. Replies
    1. In three month I will start to dread checking the mail.
