Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Waste Stream Wednesday

Each Wednesday, I take inventory of my waste stream and think of ways to reduce my garbage. Inspired by Zero Waste Home and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, I hope to lead a sustainable and minimal waste producing household


Laundry line drying

Lint,  the deterioration of our clothing , has overtaken our outside laundry room, covering every surface like mold on old cheese.  The cloth dryer spewing lint so thick that a weeding hoe was employed to remove it from the concrete floor.

Two days it took to remove the lint and the dust that it harbored. Two pounds of lint was removed from the outside laundry (I weighed it). 

and thus came the realization that

1) Clothes will be lined dried and
2) My family is a laundry producing machine, we own way too many clothes and linens.

To Be Improved

Laundry audit - Too many clothes go thru the laundry system.  Currently three piles of laundry  are waiting to be sorted, washed and line dried. The added activity of line drying, means that I need to reduce the sheer amount of laundry we produce. I want to smile at my laundry pile as I hang each individual item of clothing.  Line drying the quantity of clothing currently in use is not a task I am brave enough to embark on.

I will simplify the laundry needs of my family.

Landfill Audit

meat butcher paper
meat plastic wrappers
misc plastics
walnut plastic wrapper
cookie wrapper
plastic toy parts (an argument to buy better quality toys)
milk and ice cream carton
butter wrapper
cheese wrapper
tea bag wrapper
broken cup
broken pen
cloth waste, clothing tags

Do you have a simple laundry tip?


  1. Line drying great for bed sheets, makes them crisp and fresh! Also, I think it makes whites brighter, but I haven't line dried for years, except at Silver Lake on vacation and that's just beach towels and some hand washed items.
    The sandbox looks like it is filled with Silver Lake have so much fun playing in the sand.
    Love ya!

    1. The laundry this week was fresh smelling and brighter.
