Photo by Eva (2.75 years old) |
Each Wednesday, I take inventory of my waste stream and think of ways to reduce my garbage. Inspired by
Zero Waste Home and
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, I hope to lead a sustainable and minimal waste producing household.
"Jason have you taken out the trash this week because there is practically none today (Wednesday)" I ask.
"Not to my knowledge" he responds.
Yes, I have practically no trash this week. I take out the trash on Wednesday and inventory all the items. I only have half a kitchen garbage can full of mostly plastic packaging.
Our eating habits are transitioning towards a paleo/primal diet as the diet lends itself to fresh veggies, fruit, nuts and meats, and precludes grains which are the majority of packaged food.
To avoid plastic packaging from soil amendment/compost bags, we imported two large trash cans of zoo compost for our garden. Our local zoo is practically giving it away. The compost included monkey, panda, bear, goat, sheep, donkey manure, hay and wool.
--Need to figure out how to repurpose stained baby clothes.
Landfill Waste
-2 butter wrapers -
I tried making pate with the butter, ended up giving the pate to our dog.
-cotton cloth tags-
tags on items are a form of clutter and I grew tired of looking at them.
-tea bag wrapper-
finishing the disposable tea bag collection.
-plastic cookie wrapper-
found a cookie in the back of the pantry and ate it.
-ice cream carton-
Jason love his americon dream, the family usually goes out for ice cream scoops.
-milk carton-
locally produced.
-plastic meat wrapper-salmon, turkey bacon, chicken. -
paleo/primal diet contributing to this.
-chicken bones-
Sola our dog devours most of the meat waste, which can't be composted.
-diaper wipes container (3)-
Using up the last of our supply of non-recyclable wipe containers.
-plastic bags for nuts-
I should buy them in bulk.
-plastic box wine bag-
Jason loves his box vino.