Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tips - Traveling with an infant

Start to pack two days before at the latest
Pack light, you will be carrying the full load plus the infant
In the morning recheck your packing, remove items
Slings, carriers- The more back support the better
Carryon bag - my has wheels.
Car seat or stroller, someplace safe to place baby when you need to.
Messenger bag
Small purse
Eat well the morning from home, protein, greens, a salad with turkey, broth, hydrate, - this will ensure optimum health , and good mood and energy for the task ahead.
Nurse baby right before leaving, nurse him while you relax, eat, check emails, read a blog, etc.
The main objective is relax, even if you have to give yourself a fake departing time.
I always start my trips in a mad frenzy of last minute packing, stress, and anxiety. I will now pack completely the night before.
Visualize protection, ask for guidance, bless your trip.

Choose a centrally located hotel with kitchenette near restaurants and food stores.
The hotel will serve as a home base to come to every few hours, to nurse, change diapers, let baby nap, relax.
Easy meals are fresh veggie juices , whole fruit, and cooked meat (protein). Bring plenty of snacks to munch on, water bottle, especially if you are nursing and travelling with others, you may not be able to find food.
Do not expect to do much, make it easy, enjoy window shopping, and walking around, and down time at the hotel.


Unpack quickly, in one session

What I found to be essential:

A moby wrap - I could nurse baby discreetly within the moby.
Snacks- raw food bars, chocolate, apples, etc easy reach within my messenger bag.
My Chico bag- my Chico bag fit within my little purse and was used to transport purchases bag to the hotel.  Staying near my home base meant I only needed to take my small purse with me.
Patio- My hotel had a patio where I spent many hours holding baby and watching people.

A trip allows for a change in perspective, and appreciation of home.



  1. Such a cute little profile of Julien! Sounds like you stayed in a perfect place so you could make some little trips out and still be close to take come back and relax.
    Love Ya, Mom
