Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waste Stream Wednesday

Each Wednesday, I take inventory of my waste stream and think of ways to reduce my garbage. Inspired by Zero Waste Home and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, I hope to lead a sustainable and minimal waste producing household.


Habits, the unconscious patterns of behavior, are pervasive. I forget to use my Chico bag, and end up with a plastic bag, as I reach the car. I grab some food samples that are individually wrapped in plastic, and realize it as as I am eating them. I buy a product and realize that it came with plastic hangers and plastic tags, as I am throwing them away.

I am replacing habits. I always bring my stainless steal water bottle with me. Shopping trips are now a planned and prepared outing. I write my shopping list, bring all my containers to refill, bring my plastic bags (which I will be replacing with cloths bags when they wear out), and cloth shopping bags. I am refining my process and discovering what works. I am having to change grocery stores to purchase bulk items. I am so fortunate to have an amazing Coop, that has all household items in bulk, but replacing household favorites (like chips), requires that I shop at three different stores to replace throwaway plastic packaging with bulk foods.

Week Summary

--I am focusing on reducing my plastic consumption.
--Washing, drying, reusing all my produce plastic bags.
--Choosing products that are not packaged in plastic (challenging), and I am seeing a cost increase to buy non plastic packaging. Individual paper wrapped TP rolls and bulk maple syrup is more expensive compared to Costco prices.
--Reduced my disposable diaper use in half, Eva is voluntarily reducing her diaper use by using the potty.
--Waste stream still has plenty of plastics as the household purges previously purchased throwaway items.
--Buying used items from thrift store.

Waste Reducing Activities of the Week

Junk Mail Stopping,

Each day when I receive those colorful mailers, advertisements, catalogue. I grab the junk mail, and my phone and call customer service to remove my name off the list. It take time, and I get frustrated however the customer service representatives have all been very courteous.

Kleenex forever gone

Jason's torn flannel shirts has transformed into cloth Kleenexes. The straight line of the flannel allowed for easy sewing. My first sewing project. I made five, and they will live within easy reach of runny noses.

This Weeks Waste


Plastics: Plastic TP packaging, shipping packaging, baby wipe packaging, food packaging.

Paper (non recyclable): Drink containers, meat butcher paper, tea bags, butter wrapper.

Misc: Stained bib, cloth scarps, dvd.

1/2 trash bag of diapers and biodegradable wipes.