Monday, July 2, 2012

Garlic Harvest

July brings the excitement of harvesting the garlic we planted in October.We watch the garlic patch grow from little cloves to deep magnificent green plants and unfortunately this year to a withered grasslike stock. Our garlic patch was attacked by a fungus that left rust on the leaves and stunted the cloves.

The fungus prevents us from planting another garlic patch this year. The garlic cloves are too small, not worth the effort to peel them. The garlic can't be composted. To prevent spreading the fungus, the garlic will need to be burned, perhaps a bonfire at the beach...

Jason rallied us to harvest our garlic at 8:00 at night, before another summer storm.

The poor fungus ridden garlic.

The family did enjoy digging up the garlic.


  1. I was wondering what happened to that garlic patch.

    1. Poor garlic went straigh to the landfill and did not even get composted.
